Thursday, August 18, 2011

the update

Ok so where do I start this? 
Thats the main question that I have been asking my self for the last couple of days
As you will have noticed all my blogs were deleted
My hair is also going blonde, for no reason, blonde streaks have appeared in it everywhere and it freaks me out just a tad, I didn't ask for them? So what the hell?
So, the big question is where am i? Or where was i? 
And the correct question is in Toronto, Canada. 
Which means yes, I’m not actually at camp anymore. But now I am guessing you need an explanation right? 
So if you remember a past blog, you will remember that I said that we were the first camp not to fire any one pre camp, and usually they fire alot of people. 
So as you have guessed I was fired. (BUM-DE-BUMMMMMM- dramatic climax))
 I think I was number 10 or 12 to go, all in all.
Why? is another reason.
So I was called into the office, and sat there for 5 minutes by myself. Thats exactly when it hit me that I would most likely be heading home. It was awkward, mainly because I didn't know why. So I sat there and looked at all the prayer books that the camp had. The Jewish religion doesn't allow the prayer books to touch the ground as it is disrespectful. And you could tell, as most of the 300 of them look in immaculate condition, Then I started thinking about how much I yelled at the kids not to put them on the ground.
Any way, the boss come in and sits down, and starts talking, and then hands me a piece of paper, with my blog printed out. 
Now its all probably clicking in your head (click!) so here are the hard facts I was told
Blogs are easy to find online. 
A parent found my blog, and didn't like how I called some of the kids spoilt little shits on a few occasions, contacted the camp and and complained against it, and how it represented their children or something like that
So pretty much they said that it was unacceptable what I wrote, and they had to let me go. Which I think is understandable, I mean I fucked up, and I should have known that stuff like that would come to bite me in the arse. 
So then I apologized, and said I was sorry for any damage I had caused, and they said “you haven't caused any damage and you wont”, told me I could leave my blog up and write what ever I want about them because I’m not an employee any more, and that I was leaving.  Which kind of then put me in the position where I was like, what? Im being nice, what ever!
So basically when you get fired from camp, your escorted straight to your bunk, you aren't allowed to talk to any kids and you need to pack your stuff ASAP! For some staff there bags are already packed fro them during the meeting, (thank god myn weren't, because I had sooo much shit!) you are then driven off camp immediately and dropped at a bus stop.
So I packed my stuff and left. The kids walked past as I was walking to the van, but I didn't have my luggage so they didn't suspect a thing. I just smiled and did my usual thumbs up, and they did the same back. Which was a really good way to say goodbye, without saying good bye I thought.
I then was driven to the Bus, by Kush. Which was semi awkward, so I just talked about lots of random stuff, and tried not to make it awkward. 
But I did then find out, that they had made the decision weeks ago, that I would be the last lacrosse specialist there, and that they lacrosse program was going to be cancelled. …. How convenient, but what ever. 
So I said my goodbyes, and hopped on the bus to New York Via Boston. 
It didn't really hit me that I had been fired or anything. I was pretty much just like wow. 
Getting driven there, I was told it looked like I didn't really care. That was the point that kind of annoyed me, because I was like yeah, I am bummed, but its kinda of like 
You have the shit job of driving me to the bus stop, which is something you have had to do 10 times this year, I wasn't going to cry or bitch to you, or try and make you agree with me, because again that would have been awkward. I was just trying to make it as nice as I could. 
But anyway that was that, there wasn't any point arguing, it was done, And I had fucked up, and the only thing I had, was that I had to learn from my mistakes, and take a lesson from it, and my pay. It was like what we said to the kids
Its not what you can do, but the choice you make!
So it pretty much hit me in Boston waiting for the bus. What now? What the hell? Am I going to cope? I have been fired. I can honestly say that it was the first time I had been ashamed, as it was the first thing I had been fired from. Then for the 400th time, mum posted on my wall, that I needed to blog again
I was like…. Really,? Like come on…….
So calling them was the hardest, because It was shameful, I didn't want to tell them, because it was a major fuck up, it was something I wasn't proud of, and wanted to instantly forget, and saying out loud to them made the most disappointed I had ever been in myself
Especially because I should have known better. I mean if the parent read all my blogs, she would have read that I loved the kids, and I wrote that more than I wrote they were spoilt, but it was still my fuck up!
So then it hit me, that I wasn't going to see the kids again, and ringing the parents, and saying it out loud as I just said hurt. But then I was like, move on!
So I went to Ny no plans, and arrived at a hotel at 2 am, I went to bed, and just chose to forget about everything and deal with it in the morning. 
So that morning I had to go find a hostel. Move all my shit there and start sorting things out. As I was told I had 48 hours to evacuate the country. 
Turns out I was really nice to the camp America lady and she gave me 5 days to get out of the country on my visa, as usually you only have 48 hours, so it gave me time. 
So I planned my next bit of the trip out, and just chilled that day at the hostel. I went to central park and tried to walk around it and then went to a movie (cowboys & aliens), as I was really kinda down. I missed the kids, and I was just down on myself about all of it fucking up, and how I fucked it up. The your fired conversation kept replaying in my head, but now its gone! I have moved on. 
And now, it took a while to stop thinking about it, but I did, 
I didnt write it on facebook, or tell anyone as I didnt want to talk about it, and still dont want to, but its one of those things that I wasnt going to lie about for ever. 
So what have I done since I got fired you ask?
Well I stuck around in NY for a few days
I was in a hostel in Chelsea for the last 3 of my 4 days, which I didn't know, but turns out it is the gay capital of manhattan. And I didn't get hit on once! What the?! That made me sad
But I moved on, So in new york I chose to do the most cheesiest of things
I went to central park! And chilled, walked around, looked at the upper eat and west sides
Yes I saw the sailing lake where lil jenny and Damien sold drugs at using boats. 
I went to the central park zoo, and looked at polar bears and penguins. I went to Broadway and saw Chicago. 
I played round at times square, and did a boat tour of the island. Saw the statue of liberty, and learnt how I am awesome at the subway system. 
So I did the touristy thing, and had a lot of fun in new york! I had a lot of fun. IT also gave me time to figure out my plans!
So then I headed to canada, Toronto to be specific! and had alot of fun! The people in the hostel are great. The last 2 nights we have written our selves off. And yesterday I had to work in the hostel 
So I helped with check ins and stuff, and helped out so I have free accommodation. 
I went to Niagra falls, and did a while day tour there, and then wine tasting. I got to taste ice-wine which is really nice. 
So ill chuck photos up soon!
Then I went to hooters, that was a life changing event, and I did the touristy things of Toronto for 4 days, 
Then I headed to Montreal with a couple of people from the hostel, 
They all speak French there, so it was a little full on, we did all the sites there, saw all the live entertainment, and went out. I had my birthday there, which was really fun!!!
Then I went back to Toronto for 3 days, basically just to chill, I lied on the Toronto beach for 2 days and did nothing which was pretty awesome!!!
And then I headed down to boston, which was a long ass bus trip
And now I'm in Boston!!! The camp finishes up today, and all the staff are coming down to Boston (thats the closest major city), so I'm going to meet up with them, and party with them for the next month, which will be ace! I am a little pumped as I have had a 12 day head start to get my alcohol tolerance back up! And eat as much bacon as I possibly can!
And who knows whats next
Then I dont know! So what ever. 
Sorry it has taken this long to blog. I did ask the parents to keep it quiet. Because I just didn't want to have to deal with it. 
But now my outlook is, I fucked up, I've moved on. And im having a ball, I got fired with 11 days or something to go on camp, and it was nothing. And it wasn't because I was a bad councilor, so its not that I was shit. I just made a shit move!
Ill blog more often, 
And ill talk to yall soon

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